The access to the waste collection centers can be managed automatically.
ArcoGATE is the terminal that allows the access to authorized users through an identification card. It can be connected to barriers, photocells and traffic lights in order to regulate the accesses and the activities of the users.
Controlled flows of users allow to improve the quality of service within the centers that are essential for a complete waste management.
ArcoGATE can be customized and integrated with the existing systems in order to satisfy any needs.
An example is a request from a customer who needed a solution to manage the materials delivered to the waste collection center. ArcoGATE, thanks to personalized web application, was programmed in order to allow the users identification, the choice of the material and the quantity conferred.
These customized features are completely controlled by a multilingual touch interface. Furthermore the management of the data of conferment, the reading of statistics and authorizations are carried out by the web application.
For more information: ArcoGATE