World Recycling Day

World Recycling Day, a day that involves us directly in our daily work.  

It was in 2007 – fifteen years ago – when the choice of the material used for containers and composters was direct and clear: polypropylene and recycled polyethylene 

Since that, our products have been certified as Plastica Seconda Vita.   

A few weeks ago, the OECD report ‘Plastics Outlook: Economic Drivers, Environmental Impacts and Policy Options‘ came out, highlighting the exponential increase in the use of plastics, which has doubled in the last 20 years.   

The use of recycled plastics has also more than quadrupled in the last two decades, but for only 6% out of the plastics used.  

  The report points out that there are ways to limit the environmental impact of plastics 

  • Develop the market for recycled plastics  
  • Innovate the plastics life cycle to make it more circular  
  • Strengthen internal policies on recovery and reduction of plastic use  
  • Strengthen international cooperation  

OECD (2022), Global Plastics Outlook: Economic Drivers, Environmental Impacts and Policy Options, OECD Publishing, Paris,