Our team is growing: let us introduce you the Product Designer of Sartori Ambiente

Welcome Mirko, we are curious, what will you do in the company?
I’m Mirko Gnech, an engineer specialised in the design of new containers. I am committed to supporting the UX team in developing their ideas and implementing innovative solutions in the plastics industry.

Why don’t you tell us why you chose Sartori Ambiente?
I chose to collaborate with Sartori Ambiente because I share your vision of environmental sustainability, and I am excited to contribute to the creation of solutions to protect the environment.

What do you like to do outside of work, if you don’t mind telling us?
Outside of work, I like to spend time outdoors. My passion is photography, I like to capture the beauty of nature and draw inspiration from it for future projects.

Thank you and good luck with your new job!