PRINCIPLE No. 1 – Protecting the environment is our main task

The Urban Waste Report by ISPRA presents several information, useful to understand the evolution of the sector and, in our case, to understand where we can provide our support to improve current trends.

A tangible example that supports this environmental protection principle is provided by reading the average cost-per-capita data.

This data, distributed by macro-areas, delivers this picture of Italy:

  • A value of approximately 170 Euro per inhabitant per year, in the North
  • Approximately 228 Euro per inhabitant per year in the Centre
  • About 202 Euro per inhabitant per year in the South

Regarding macro-areas, what stands out in the North is Liguria, the region with the highest per capita cost – 270 Euro per inhabitant per year –, Tuscany in the Centre – 243 Euro per inhabitant per year –, while in the South it is Campania, with 214 Euro per inhabitant per year.

The regions with the lowest per capita cost are Lombardy in the North, with about 142 Euro per inhabitant per year, Marche in the Centre, with a value of about 178 euro per inhabitant per year, and Molise in the South, with about 141 Euro per inhabitant per year.

6,090 municipalities were analyzed, representing around 86% of the Italian population, for which the annual cost per capita and the annual cost per kg of waste were identified.

In the same year, ISPRA carried out a further analysis on the Municipalities applying PAYT pricing, which represent 1,298 Municipalities (about 15% of the total Italian population).

A closer look to the per-capita cost shows a difference compared to the other averages indicated above:

  • A value of approximately 154 Euro per inhabitant per year, in the North
  • Approximately 224 Euro per inhabitant per year in the Centre
  • About 210 Euro per inhabitant per year in the South

From a more thorough analysis, what emerges is that the average cost per capita for urban and similar waste management amounts to

  • 30 Euro per inhabitant – for the sample of 6,030 Italian Municipalities
  • 50 Euro per inhabitant – for the sample of 1,072 Italian Municipalities with PAYT pricing

This is an example of how we use information to increasingly improve our solutions for the management of PAYT pricing: UrbaUrbaPLUSArco40EVO.

To view the full report: Municipal Waste Report 2023