Pantelleria, a green island in one year
The island of Pantelleria is a reality which, given its tourist and geographical peculiarities, needed a strong change in the methods and performance of waste management.

Agesp S.p.a., with the contribution of Sartori Ambiente Group, provided a complete solution for door-to-door waste collection, supporting the municipal administration. The collection system has proved to be virtuous both in terms of separate collection and citizens satisfaction.

Initial situation
In 2014 Pantelleria produced approximately 4,500 tons of waste, which means a production of 547 kg per year per inhabitant. More than 30% was represented by the organic fraction. The cost of transporting waste by sea had exceeded 650,000 Euro.
The road transport of separate collection was 6% of the total.
- setting up a new collection service with a significant reduction in total waste
- real-time control of the system
- avoid further service costs
- better quality of life for residents or tourists.
Walking small steps, Pantelleria has become a ‘green’ island. The service was activated gradually, starting from the historic centre of Pantelleria and some neighbouring districts at the beginning of January 2015, and ending in October with the last areas.
Door-to-door collection – All citizens were provided with 10 and 23 litres containers for the collection of the organic fraction and with 30/40 litres stackable containers for glass/cans, paper, plastic and solid waste.
The stackable containers of the UrbaPLUS series turned out to be the ideal tool for door-to-door collection systems; easy to use even when stacked, they offer ergonomic solutions for users who have to move or place the container at home, as well as for the collection operators who have to perform numerous emptyings at each collection shift.
All containers are equipped with UHF RFID tags for instant detection of emptying for any fraction of waste disposed by individual users.
Also the kits delivery took place through the door-to-door system, georeferencing each container and therefore each user.
Sartori Ambiente Group supplied the equipment for the trash metering. The emptying of the containers is detected through the RFID reading system mounted on the collection vehicles. To ensure maximum detection reliability with minimum installation and management costs, the chosen system was the ARCO40EVO model.
ARCO40EVO automatically detects the emptying that has occurred, sent in real time to the server together with the geographic coordinates, for a global control of the collection vehicles operations.
The percentage of separate waste collection has been steadily increasing, from around 6% in January to over 60% in December, with the activation of the service throughout the municipal area.
It should be noted that the tourist peculiarities of the island lead to peaks in the production of waste during the summer period.