Access to collection facilities

Managing accesses to collection facilities – ArcoGATE
Facilitating and monitoring access to collection centres is important to support correct user behaviour, to have a detailed monitoring and to simplify the work of operators. From this view we created an innovative and immediate solution to manage users flow.
The municipal collection facility is a key element of the waste collection system. The ArcoGATE terminal enables and controls citizens access, managing barriers, photocells or traffic lights.
The automated system for accessing the recycling area is designed for:
- user identification with card
- right of access confirmation
- count of vehicles within the area
- management of the maximum number of simultaneous users
The Control room supplies real-time information about usage data to:
- acquire the list of users with access rights and create a white list
- send real-time login information
Control room
All Sartori Ambiente products, from containers to road stations, from vehicle systems to mobile readers, are connected and coordinated by the data management software or by the cloud application.
Control room that collects and manages the information acquired and transmitted from ArcoPOINT, ArcoSTATION and ArcoGATE devices.
Available versions
ArcoGATE is a vehicle access control terminal with user interface consisting of:
- magnetic stripe reader with health card or specific card for user identification
- 125 kHz RFID reader
- 4 line LCD display to indicate the operations still to be performed
- GPRS connection to the ArcoCLOUD platform for remote control with enabling and disabling users function
The terminal is also equipped with an electronic control board for barrier, photocells, user interface and traffic light.
Control room
The ArcoCLOUD web platform supplies real-time information about usage data of the complementary systems. Within the suite it is possible to check the number of disposals, any system malfunction and indications on the containers filling level, thus optimizing of the emptying service.
The platform enables the creation of customized reports with the information indicated as necessary to have timely feedback on the system used.
Control room basic functionality:
- Whitelist management of enabled users
- Real-time monitoring of the operating status
- Usage statistics and charts
- Webservice in REST technology to safely export data to authorized platforms