Integrated solutions, control of the entire waste process, simplified management for administrations and citizens.


Design your green transition

GOAL OF 100%

Domestic collection equipment and delivery detection devices: now even more efficient. The result? Widespread separate collection, homogeneity in the fractions and maximum reduction of residual waste per inhabitant per year.


A range of solutions, to give value to organic waste with domestic composters and home collection. The result? A widespread use of organic waste collection for a totally circular economy.


High service standards, activation and management of PAYT systems, ARERA goals clearly in mind. The result? Easier and more efficient separate collection, for the benefit of citizens and administrations. And of the environment.
raccolta differenziata capillare
raccolta differenziata semplice

Technology serving the environment

We create solutions suited to the context and the most advanced in terms of technology and management.

Containers with UHF TAG
Fleet reading and monitoring systems
Annual UHF TAG readings

Separate waste collection

  The goal of separate waste collection is to recycle/reuse materials, for example plastic, glass, paper, but…
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Organic waste management

  The organic fraction represents more than 30% of the waste generated daily.
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Separate collection in businesses

  Separate collection is important at home as well as at work, in an office or…
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  PAYT is a system based on the control on waste generation by means of an…
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Used vegetable oil collection

  Used vegetable oil is highly polluting for the environment. Its combustion produces toxic substances and if…
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Nudge theory applied to the world of waste

Intervention: Service improvement
Location: Latina (Rome)
Year: 2024
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In 2023, we were pioneers of a true example of a “nudge” project applied to the world of waste, and the results were extremely interesting.

Design built around citizens

Intervention: ArcoPOINT upgrade
Location: Cairo Montenotte, Savona (IT)
Year: 2023
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The Municipality of Cairo Montenotte is one of Liguria’s most virtuous municipalities in separate waste management.

The home collection system was activated in 2014 throughout the territory, with a now stable percentage of separate collection above 80%.

Door-to-door collection in Sarriá, Barcelona

Intervention: Separate collection / PAYT pricing
Location: Barcelona Sarriá (ES)
Year: 2018
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The historic centre of Sarriá represents an ideal setting for the development of the first door-to-door waste collection system in the city.

Over ten years ago Barcelona, the first among the large cities of the separate waste collection, activated the separate collection of organic waste. The percentages of separate collection achieved are considerably higher than in the rest of Spain, nevertheless the aim is for a further improvement.



Contarina – the collection of used vegetable oil

Intervention: Used oil collection
Location: Bacino Priula, Treviso (IT)
Year: 2017
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Contarina, a utility that deals with waste management in the municipalities under the Consorzio di Bacino Priula, and Ascotrade, a gas and electricity supply company, promoted the initiative “Collect used oil and save on energy bills”.



Separate collection: common goal in the Valley

Intervention: Separate collection / PAYT pricing
Location: Valle Sabbia (Brescia - IT)
Year: 2018
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Differenza in Comune” is the name chosen to describe the new door-to-door separate waste collection project which, starting from 2018, involves the Municipalities of Valle Sabbia.

The mountain community of Valle Sabbia decided to educate the population in terms of separate waste collection.

Sartori Ambiente collaborated as a partner in the initiative, providing the necessary equipment.


Pantelleria, a green island in one year

Intervention: Separate waste collection
Location: Pantelleria (IT)
Year: 2015
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The island of Pantelleria is a reality which, given its tourist and geographical peculiarities, needed a strong change in the methods and performance of waste management.



The evolution of separate collection in Parma

Intervention: PAYT pricing
Location: Parma (IT)
Year: 2012
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Parma is one of the most virtuous examples in Emilia Romagna, a region at the bottom of the waste generation ranking with 667 kg per inhabitant per year. The transition from traditional waste management was the result of a clear political will: a careful and widespread involvement of citizens and a strategy focused on minimizing residual waste.

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